This Radiology and Imaging Specialists location offers the full range of hospital-quality diagnostic imaging tests in the comfort and convenience of an outpatient center.
Scheduling: 407-847-9674
3016 Dyer Blvd. Kissimmee, FL 34741
Office hours: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Services offered at this location:
- X-ray: Walk-ins welcome
- 3T MRI
- 128-Slice CT
- Stereotactic, US-guided and MR-guided Biopsies
- $30 3D Mammography
- Breast MRI
- DEXA Scans
- Nuclear Medicine
- Thyroid Biopsy
All interpretations are performed by RIS’ Central Florida-based radiology team. We provide fast, flexible scheduling, reports within 48 hours or less, minimal wait times for patients and enhanced safety protocols to protect against COVID-19 transmission.